
Client // Academic Project • Location // New York, NY, USA • Program // Urban Design • Status // Academic Project • Team // Clayton Strange, Long Zuo

Can the city of logistics and light manufacturing be reconciled with the city of urban life and recreation? Can production once again become central to urban culture? S-City imagines the redevelopment of an industrial district of the Bronx between Ward Island and Hunt’s Point. Taking the position that the richness of urban life can be well served by re-integrating notions of the productive process, existing industrial-scale edifices that serve metropolitan geographies are refashioned to operate locally as social and economic community centers. A linear geography is defined by a new waterfront park and a new vehicular spine. Between these, the project establishes rules for the development of a series of megablocks that would grow over time in between the newly established landmark industrial edifices. The new mat fabric is especially friendly to pedestrian urban life and a street culture of workshops and light manufacturing. In the this way, the Simultaneous City addresses the problem of the mono-zoned city, establishing a new paradigm for a city that can operate at a variety of scales at once.



